Wednesday, 17 February 2016

PUN shooter #5 - Leaderboards?

For my leaderboards I'm thinking of trying Playfab.

These guys haven't got to the point of making everything easy peasy.

  • Docs (Sleek css but more like a reference API).
  • A video introduction to their leaderboards (Over 30 minutes of click-y sound!)
Let's see if I can get to the end of that horrible video.


Well. Maybe not.

The next thing I did is start counting hits and losses and store that in player preferences. To do this I confirm hits using RPCs. Why? Because it happens that a player get hit on a machine but their proxy don't get hit on another. Bad? Depends on how often it happens; so far not very often.

Players in the same room broadcast their rankings to each other. This allowed me to implement client side leaderboards, which for my use is enough (on iOS I would definitely go with Apple's leaderboards but that is another story).

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